A Distinction That Will Change Everything For You: TRY Vs DO

An important distinction I’d like to share with you

My private clients have created incredible things:

  • One of them called in her Soulmate and they are now in a Relationship (note the capital R)

  • Another one created her first $15,000 month and she is now celebrating as I’m writing those lines

  • Another client published her first book and moved to the Caribbean

All of this was made possible because they stopped TRYING and STARTING DOING what they desired to create.

There is a huge difference between trying and doing.
The latter gets you results, the former doesn’t.

Trying has you play to loose, to experiment. It has you shy away from taking bold actions. It keeps you in a space of hiding and complaining that you don’t yet have what you want….the man, the money etc.

Doing comes from a higher place inside of you. It has you show up at the highest level to create what you want. It puts you in the space of NON-NEGOTIABLE. It has you act as if your life depended on it.

And by the way…it does.

Your life depends on you actually bringing your desires to life. Actually doing the work and taking courageous actions to make it happen.

Does this speak to you?

Nancy Florence