Are You Having Daytime Nightmares?

Sometimes we use our imagination to scare ourselves.
We imagine that bad things will occur in our world.
It’s also called Anxiety.
By the way…all women (humans?) suffer from Anxiety.
It comes with the territory of being human in this day and age.

Daytime Nightmares are created by you.
They happen in your head when you imagine the worst case scenario.
You spend time creating an image of what you DON’T want to occur.

And in doing so, you align with that reality vibrationally, making it more likely for it to actually happen.
This is a form of involuntary and unconscious creation.

You can turn this around by using your imagination for good.

Spending time in your day thinking about the best case scenario.
Whatever work you choose to engage in, choose that good things will come from it.


Use this mantra a thousand times a day: “Good things are going to happen.”

It’s a micro form of optimism.
It’s about infusing new life into all the little things you do each day.

It changes everything.
Let your optimism be naive.
Let it sooth your little heart and melt your fears away.
Let is ooze from the micro tasks you perform throughout your day.

Brush your teeth. Good things will happen.
Pick up the phone. Good things will happen.
Send the email. Good things will happen.
Make an offer to someone. Good things will happen.

Good things will happen.

That’s how you turn daytime nightmares into beautiful dreams…

All love,
Nancy Florence

Nancy Florence