Chapter 35 Of The Wealth Warrioress Book

I’ve almost finished wiring my book.
It’s called: ‘The Wealth Warrioress book.’
It will be published very soon.
In fact, I was already approached by a publisher.
Part auto-biography, part self-help.
It’s a pick-me-up book for women entrepreneurs.

I wanted to share chapter 35 with you.
Please hit reply and send me your feedback.
I would appreciate that.

Chapter 35 - In the trenches

I’ve wanted to give up so many times.

The first years of entrepreneurship were tough because my income was inconsistent.

I made myself wrong at the time.

With hindsight, I see that I was innocent.

I was just learning the art of business (whilst having babies).

The feast and famine cycle was exhausting.

Everytime I secured a new coaching client, I would celebrate and feel like the richest woman on Earth.

The money would be quickly swallowed by family and business bills.

Before I knew it, I would be back to zero.

No that’s not really accurate.

I would be overdrawn again.

In fact I was chronically overdrawn for years.

It became a normal way of life to operate in the red.

I bought food with my credit card.

My most shameful moment? 

I emptied my children’s savings account to purchase a coaching course.

That’s how bad I wanted to succeed.

I collected second-hand clothes from my friends.

Sometimes I felt poor.

I felt like a total failure.

Poverty is relative right?

Unlike a lot of people on the planet, I always had 3 meals a day.

A roof over my head.

And whilst I considered it a million times, I never sold my car.

When a friend begged me to come and work with her on a new contract she had secured with the government, I was tempted.

Going back to work (as in going back to a ‘proper’ job) sounded like a sensible idea.

This full time entrepreneurship business wasn’t working out so well for me was it?

From where I was at the time, the 9 to 5 lifestyle looked pretty glamorous.

All I had to do was show up at 9, drink coffee all day, and get my paycheck at the end of the month.


I didn’t take the job.

Will smith said: “There's no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from plan A.”

So I pushed on.

Was I crazy?

Was I unreasonable to think I could succeed in business?

I knew I was a skilled coach but that didn’t necessarily make me a skilled entrepreneur right?

Was I failing my 2 daughters?

When I delayed buying them new school shoes, was I letting them down?

Did I become so obsessed with my dream that I had lost sight of the most important things in life? 

Like family and love…

Was all of this ambition a reaction to my mother’s death?


Years of questions.

Years of self-torture.

I wasn’t the calm entrepreneur who builds her empire patiently, one day at a time.

I was dramatic.

I build my empire with blood, sweat and tears.

Add 100 cups of elbow grease.

500 cups of unwavering faith.

And a pitch of insanity.

We have been conditioned to think like economic prisoners.

Study hard and get a job, I was told my whole life.

Diverting form that path brought up a lot of guilt.

I want to take this opportunity to thank myself for persevering.

I did get my happy ending.

Now I have all the clients I want.

Cash is flowing.

I don’t worry about money anymore.

I have a wonderful team who supports me everyday.

Writing these lines make me feel emotional.

If you are in the trenches right now...getting your ass kicked...listen carefully.

You are not crazy.

You are not selfish.

You are not naive to the ways of the world.

So long as you stay in the game, you will succeed.

You will reach that tipping point.

You will build enough momentum to turn your cash drip into a cash flow.

You will make it.

Stay in the trenches.

That’s all you have to do.

Nancy Florence