When You Don't Have The Support Of Your Mother...

Did you know that most women entrepreneurs have Mother Issues?

Women entrepreneurs are high-achievers.
And high-achievers are often (not always) driven by childhood wounds.

What do I mean by Mother Issues?
Maybe your mother is judgemental.
She has always been highly critical of you.
Every time you call her, you end up feeling worst about yourself and your business.
However, you keep calling, out of guilt and obligation.

She worries about your Money situation…a lot.
Her anxiety becomes your anxiety.
You know she means well but you don’t feel supported by her.
No matter how much you achieve, it never seems to be good enough for her.
It’s a terribly painful cycle.


Sounds familiar?
I know.

I’ve been working through my own mother issues for the last 15 years.
And I am still licking my wounds, long after she passed away.
She committed suicide a few years ago.
I have a coach, a therapist and my spiritual practice.
Mother issues cut deep.

But they make for fantastic women entrepreneurs.
You know what pain feels like so you understand people.
You care about your customers.
You go the extra mile for them.
No matter how hard things get, you never give up on your dreams.
That flame inside of you is untouchable.

My word of advice?
I have none.
I just want to remind you how courageous you are.
You’ve inherited the best of you mum and your dad.
Your work nourishes the Earth.

You’re a beautiful soul.
A beautiful woman.

With love,


Nancy Florence