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Client Creation.



More emails.


Social Media.

Business can be…busy.

Massive understatement I know.

Business can seriously kick your ass.

It takes a certain woman to create an Online Empire.
If you are a Coach, Consultant, Personal Stylist, Photographer or Designer hustling online, you know what I mean.

Your biggest challenge is creating clients and income consistently.

You put yourself in the game a while ago but you are still struggling.

You started out with your heart full of hopes and dreams but the truth is, you don’t enjoy your business anymore.

Your clients don’t feel completely aligned with your vision.

You work too hard.

You feel stressed all the time.

And you don’t have enough money to live like the Queen you know you are.

Sounds familiar?

You have come to the right place.

My name is Nancy Florence.

I am a Life & Business Coach for women in business.

For the past 3 years, I have coached hundreds of female entrepreneurs around the world into more Wealth, Confidence & Joy.

I do this because I know how hard business can be when you don’t have any support.

In my days as a Psychotherapist and Online Property Trader, I felt anxious all the time.

I was working incredibly hard, raising 2 young children and I could barely make ends meet.

I started to resent my business because I wasn’t happy.

The turning point for me was hiring a coach who helped me reconnect with my desires.

I decided to let go of everything that didn’t feel good to me anymore,including my property business and a long-term relationship.

I gave myself permission to invest in myself and create my dream 6-figure business.

Now I work with incredible women around the world and I adore my coaching practice.

In the past year alone, I have taken my kids to Togo, Morocco, Turkey, France and we are off to Italy next month.

We are having a total blast and I am honoured to share my journey with you.

I am living proof that it’s possible to go from low self-esteem and chronic anxiety to ease and confidence in a very short space of time.

There is no reason for you to continue to struggle on your own.

I am here to help you fall in love all over again with your Life and your Business.

That’s why I created….

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I invite you to embark on a beautiful adventure with me for the next 90 days.
By the end of our journey together, you will be a totally different woman. You will feel confident in your ability to create clients & income consistently.
You will feel connected to your joy again and you will run your business with ease & flow.

We’re going to work through 12 modules together:

  1. De-cluttering: we’re going to make space for this new chapter in your life. The first thing you’ll do is release yourself from the activities and relationships that don’t feel good to you anymore

  2. Desires & Commitments: it’s time for you to reconnect with your deepest dreams & desires + declare what you are ready to commit to 100%

  3. Core Brand Identity: you’ll seriously uplevel your branding and get clear on your message to the world. This is your time to stick your flag in the sand and refine or create your Signature Programme

  4. Business Model: I will teach you a simple strategy for you to create consistent 5-figure months

  5. Money Mindset: we will bust through any limiting beliefs or insecurities you have about your prices so that you feel more confident that ever before about selling

  6. Client Creation: you’ll learn how to enjoy the client creation process + how to create Soulmate clients who pay you high fees in full and in advance

  7. Client Creation Clinic: we’ll take a look at real case studies as you bring your real prospects’ stories to me. I will empower you to show up powerfully in your enrolment conversations so that you can enrol your prospect quickly and easily.

  8. More Client Creation Clinic

  9. Social Media Strategy: you’ll learn how to be consistently visible online and create more leads

  10. Time-Management: No more overwhelm. I will teach you how to structure your week and your day so that you know exactly what to focus on. You will work less and be more productive than ever before

  11. Self-care: you'll seriously uplevel your personal habits including exercise, diet and sleep.

  12. Extraordinary Life: you’ll have the opportunity to turn your personal life into an Extraordinary Adventure. Let’s make 2019, the best year of your entire life so far.

You are in for an incredible ride gorgeous.

This is an incredible opportunity for you to:

  • Create your own 5-figure months

  • Transform your Business & Life in profound ways

  • Become the Woman Entrepreneur you have always wanted to be

I am excited for you.

The investment for the Business Lioness School is £6,000.

There are 12 spots available.

This includes:

✔12 weekly modules & workbooks

✔12 weekly 90-min group coaching sessions

✔A private Facebook group where your success and failures will be celebrated

✔Access to the Lioness Pride: your personal online resource centre (I am sharing with you the scripts, excel templates and books I have personally used to create my online empire)

✔Email access to me for the duration of the programme

✔12 Video Trainings

✔A gorgeous in-person 1-day event in London on the 16th of October 2018 (optional)

✔A beautiful closing in-person event in London in January 2019 (optional)

The Business Lioness School starts on the 16th of October 2018.

If you sign up by Thursday 11th of October, you will receive a gorgeous £700 discount so you will get in for £5,300 only.

This programme is packed with value and the return on your investment will be tenfold.

Seats are offered by application and invitation only.

The school is only open to women who are 100% committed to their business happiness. 

This is for you if:

  • You are prepared to get out of your comfort zone

  • You are committed to showing up 100% in this course + complete your modules in due course

  • You are ready to invest in yourself and experience a deeply transformative experience

I have a beautiful track record of supporting woman with creating more Wealth and Joy in their business.

Here is what they had to say about their experience of working with me

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In the past couple of months alone, I have seen my clients:

  • Get featured on the BBC + local newspapers and magazines
  • Secure 5-figure months and contracts doing the work they love
  • Call in their Soulmate and move in with him

  • Open their first Performing Arts School, Beauty Salon, High-end Coaching and Consulting practices

  • Sell their first Art Masterpiece

  • Transform their home and their wardrobe

  • Move countries and travel the world

  • Create their first high-paying, high-performing clients within only a few weeks of starting coaching

This school is designed to be transformational not informational.

You will experience powerful shifts in your mindset and make real changes in your life.

I want you to use each module as an opportunity for transformation at a cellular level.

This is about your becoming the successful woman entrepreneur you have always wanted to be, not you learning more information.

This programme will sell out fast so if you know this is for you, do not wait for the right time.

There is never a right time to invest in coaching, much like having a baby!

If you desire to join the school, I invite you to join an incredible sisterhood of high-level women who will have your back moving forwards.

 I will be happy to hop on a call to make sure this is the perfect fit for all of us.

Click here to apply now.


PS: if you’d like the opportunity to spend an entire day with me 121, you can secure a 1-day TRANSFORMATION (worth £4,000) for £2000 extra at the time of your enrolment. Let me know on the call if this is something you’d like to do. Your investment for the school + a 1-day intensive will be £7,300 only if you sign up by the 11th of October.

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