The Bliss Of Having A Job...

I have just come back from a gorgeous week-end in the South of France with my primary school friends.
It was nice to have a girly week end and to relax together on the beach.

There are 4 of us in the group and I am the only one who is an entrepreneur.
The other 3 all have jobs that they absolutely adore in Social Work and Education.

As we were speaking about career, I was aware of the slight envy I felt about their work set up.
Show up for work.
Get paid at the end of the month.
Job done.

I haven’t been employed for years now and…as you know if you’re entrepreneur…running your own company is a completely different ballgame.

Show up to Serve.
Might get paid.
Might not.
Rinse and repeat.

One of my friends said that she couldn’t bare the anxiety of not knowing what she would get paid at the end of the month.
I get that.

It takes nerves of steel to run your own gig.
Sometimes you pull it off.
Sometimes you don’t.

Somehow I have managed to make a good living off of my passion for coaching for 4 years now.
I am grateful for my relentless determination and for the clients who I’ve had the privilege of working with.


Before coaching, I had a busy psychotherapy practice for several years.
I quit my last job in early 2015.

It hasn’t been easy.
At first, I was in fear of not getting any clients.
Then came the fear of charging…the fear of being visible etc.
Fear. Fear. Fear. All the way…

What helped me the most on my journey to here is coaching.
As in working with my own coaches to stay the course.

There has been so many times when I considered selling the car or going back to work.
I’ve had so many tantrums along the way…

But my coaches…one in particular…have always believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.
They have helped me strategise, recalibrate, celebrate and lick my wounds along the way.

I help my clients do the same.
We all have the same fears, doubts and insecurities.

We’ve all woken up with anxiety about what the day would bring.
We’re all in this together.

One of the most satisfying parts of my profession is seeing women say yes to their desires.
Move through the fear and make their dreams come true.

Somebody asked me this morning how I help people create miracles in their lives.
I wasn’t sure how to answer that one but I think I got it now…
I help people get in touch with their creative power.
I teach them how to play with the fabric of life itself.
Turning their thoughts into things.
Nothing less.
Nothing more.

I want you to harness your creative power.

I want you to be certain that you can create anything you desire in your life.

Money, clients, romance, friendships, babies…Ask and it is given.
It takes a lot of faith combined with actions.

But it’s possible for you too.

Nancy Florence