On Walking In The Forest With Danielle Laporte

I hope you are having an amazing start of the summer holidays.

I wanted to share with you some of the things I’ve learned from meeting Danielle and her beautiful son last week.

In case you don’t know who she is…she is a pretty big deal in the personal development industry…

You can find her at www.daniellelaporte.com
I highly recommend her book the Desire Map.

Danielle is a world-renowned author, speaker and one of Oprah’s 100 favourite Spiritual Leaders.

I have studied and taught the Desire Map for 4 years now and the philosophy has transformed my life completely.

Last week, I had the immense honour of spending time with Danielle on stage and back stage.
I invited her and her son for a gorgeous picnic and walk in the forest and we had a magical time together.

I showed up as my most natural self, big eyes, big ears…curious to see what would unfold from this encounter.

She asked me to help her facilitate an event here in London next year so watch this space for more desire map juiciness...


And in terms of insights…here is what I got so far:

1 - Dreams really do come true
Sounds corny but it’s true. I desire mapped at the start of the year and put 'meeting Danielle' as one of my top goals for the year. Tick! It happened very naturally and I didn’t have to force anything…

2 - I’m ok whether I get what I want or not
Danielle said that. What a powerful way to live…think about it…

3 - Give your Life to God
I am still wrestling with this one…for me it’s about seeing the world, other people, and myself through the eyes of Source. It’s a special kind of aliveness. A willingness to take life in…to drink it all.
Without judgement…just joy…
It takes a lifetime to achieve that.

I haven’t share all of this on social media but I wanted to share it with you because you are my tribe sister.

Whatever you want to achieve this year is there for the taking….
Your desires are absolutely meant for you and the Universe is conspiring on your behalf to make them happen.

So what you do you want to create this year?
In your Life…in your Business?
Who do you want to become?

Nancy Florence